[Duo2400] Fwd: Added VRAM in 2400c

Tom and Lisa P gionpeters at comcast.net
Sun Dec 7 08:15:28 PST 2003

>>>"The 3400 does not have room for more VRAM.  There are no open pads
>>>like the 2400 has.  The 3500 might have 2 MB of VRAM, but the only
>>>3500 board I have is dead, so I cant be sure."
>>>-Mad Dog
>>I never said the 3400 had room for more VRAM, I simply stated it 
>>came with 2mb, which would indicate that's what it has room for on 
>>board ( according to my AppleTech documents ). My point was that 
>>the 2400c has almost the same logic board, but with only 1mb 
>>installed, leaving room to install a 2nd mb.
>>I quote myself below, for reference;
>>>>  "The 2400 is based on the 3400 logic board. The 3400 logic board 
>>>>has room for 2mb of VRAM, only half of which is installed on the 
>>>>2400, leaving room to add more."
>>I have sent you a copy of the PDF I saved from the web page. It 
>>seems, to me, as if you are trying to call me out here, so let me 
>>be frank; I don't care whether you believe I am doing this or not, 
>>however, you should just say so, or say nothing at all, as opposed 
>>to prodding around the topic.

Antonio, I am not attacking you, simply quoting from memory.  The 
3400 screen only does 800x600 at 16 bit so that leads be to believe it 
only has 1 MB or VRAM.  I may be wrong, but the applespec doesnt 
explicity state one way or another.

>>And, I don't care about hacking the 2300, in the least. I have no 
>>problems with the machine, nor anyone using it, I just have no real 
>>interest in it, myself. Nor do I even know much about it, as I 
>>haven't studied up on it, nor have I ever had reason to do so. To 
>>that extent, I emailed the individual from whom I purchased from. 
>>It was only six dollars, so there's no big loss if he disappears.
>>If anyone else, anyone genuinely interested in attempting this hack 
>>( as opposed to a pissing contest ) I will be more than happy to 
>>forward the copied web pages.

Let us know how it works out.  I read the pdf you sent, but the 
babblefish translation makes it hard to tell if it actually works or 
not.  I was hoping all the support circuitry was there, but it looks 
as if soldering the VRAM chips in is only the start.

Mad Dog

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