On 2/19/03 "eyeVee" <eyevee at infowest.com>wrote: > > Sorry for the newbie mac questions, but is there a System 7.5 >bootdisk that enables the external SCSI CD-ROM out there? I made a >Network Access disk but the cd-rom will not show. I need to install >7.5.5, and it's on CD. I looked through Apples ftp site but can't make >sense of most of it, is there an extension or control panel I can >download to do this? I copied the Net Access system folder to the >harddrive so that it's bootable without a disk, but I can't get the >cd-rom working. Thanks, > >Jeremy With which Mac are you working? What is the CD drive, brand and model #? Since you can use the 7.5 Network disk, I imagine you have a Duo . . . to what is it docked? Is the CD to which you refer a 'bootable' CD? If so, it would certainly be better to boot from the CD than from a floppy. Have you tried booting from the CD in the CD drive? Have you tried booting from the floppy _with_ the (presumably bootable) CD already inside the powered up CD drive? This will allow the CD to mount even if the boot disk has no CD driver (if the CD is a 'bootable' CD), where the CD itself provides the driver. If you have no bootable CD, you'll need to ascertain if the Mac 'sees' the CD mechanism, a good tool is SCSIProbe, v4.3 for PBs older than 2400/3400 (any Duo), v5.2 otherwise. If it can 'see' the CD drive, there's a good chance the drive will work for you. If it cannot 'see' the drive, you have a cabling, termination or ID problem. Oh, and the answer to your actual question? Yes, a CD driver can be placed on a floppy to enable 'normal' usage of a CD drive. However, most non-Apple CD drives won't work with most versions of Apple's CD driver, but a hacked-and-usable Apple CD driver is only a Google away. : -) hth, Dan K