[Duo2400] Re: [Duo2400]

Gregg Eshelman g_alan_e at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 5 01:27:39 PDT 2003

--- Richard Adams <duo280 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Well met, kindred spirit! I am also in the oppressed
> minority that loathes 
> the dreaded trackpad! I also prefer the
> point-stick/eraserhead over all, and 
> find the trackball quite acceptable. Trackpad Bad!

I was in an Apple Store (not an Apple Apple Store)
the other day and on display was a brand new G4
PowerBook. Its trackpad surface was coming loose from
the case! Tsk, shoddy adhesive?

To make matters worse, the salesgeek (dressed all in
white with a turtleneck sweater, tiny goatee and pony
tail hair) was utterly clueless about OLD Macs,
especially Duos, and insisted there was no such thing
as the 29/30 pin PowerBook SCSI connector. To prove
it he showed me a newer PowerBook with a SCSI
about 1/2 the height of the familiar 29/30 pin style.

Sensing that I was in the presence of a person without
a clue and no interest in obtaining one, I beat a
retreat from the store and have no plans to venture
there again.

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