[Duo2400] 2400 heat & speed

Ralph Mawyer mac2400 at satx.rr.com
Fri Jul 11 23:21:36 PDT 2003


A nice 4200rpm, 12mm drive is probably your best low-heat, and 
cheapest, solution.

Check with IBM or whomever you bought the 30GB from. Some had a three 
year warranty.

>Dear Gurus,
>	My lovely two year old IBM 30 G hard drive has died. DT&T will
>replace it - but . . . Apparently there's a 7200 rpm IBM hd on the market.
>Better but is better hotter? My 240 (w heat sink) takes heat babying as is.
>Will the 7200 rpm raise the heat vs the present 4200?
>				Donald McCaig
>Yucatec Farm
>Williamsville, Virginia

Ralph Mawyer, Jr.
San Antonio, Texas

Associate Editor
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