Art Rice wrote: > > Thanks for the tips, but I still get the same error > after removing the FPU in the Duo Dock. There is no > SIMM in the VRAM expansion socket. I looked in the Duo > Dock Plus and there are no sockets for FPU or VRAM. > I'm afraid I may have a problem in the Duo 2300C that > is making it not communicate with the Duo Dock. > Does anyone have any more ideas? > --- Gregg Eshelman <g_alan_e at> wrote: > > --- Art Rice <artrice66 at> wrote: Hello Art: I have just tried my 2300c in my Duo Dock (I) with FPU (OS 8.6) and it started up just fine. I started the 2300c in a Duo Dock II on Friday with no problem. I have never tried it in a Duo Dock Plus. First, I think the suggestion to check the PDS connector, both male and female sides, is the excellent first step. Second, if you are getting the same problem on two docks, that suggest that the problem is in the book. Check the book PDS connector (I know, redundant, just following a line of logic). This line of logic also says that you might need to take the book apart to look for loose or bad connections, however, before doing that, I would Third, try to simplify the problem. Turn all extensions off in the 2300c before you insert it into the Dock. Remove any hard drive in the Dock. Remove your battery from the 2300c. Reset the PRAM and trash your Apple Menu control panel, Finder, and System, and MacOS prefs and let the book restart completely outside the Dock. Then reinsert it. Fourth, if none of the above works, then take the book apart, (ask for instructions if you need to, I cracked my case "exploring"), and remove the PRAM battery overnight, reassemble checking for any bad connections or burnt spots on the board or bent wires, including, but not limited to, the PDS connector and CPU, the RAM card and modem or power switch card, whichever applies. Good luck and let us know your results, please. Sincerely yours, Grizzlygiant