[Duo2400] Re: Removing trackball (Was: Re: [Duo2400]

Jack Corcoran jkcorcor at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 25 13:58:47 PDT 2003

--- Grizzlygiant <grizzlygiant1 at stic.net> wrote:
> Bill Judson wrote:
> > 
> > Sounds good. My only problem is that I don't see
> any obvious way to rotate
> > the ring off...there are no groves or treads that
> I can exert pressure on
> > to rotate, as a desktop mouse usually has, or any
> obvious way to get my
> > fingernails or a screwdriver under the ring,
> without my seeming to
> > risk breaking it...or is this in some
> documentation I don't know about? It
> > doesn't seem to be in the service manual, that I
> can tell, or the user
> > manuals....
> > 
> > TIA,
> Hello Bill:
> My experience with the trackballs on my 230s showed
> that sometimes you
> have to pull the top cover of the PB off to be able
> to get enough grip
> on the ring to twist it.  Someone posted an
> excellent take apart for
> Duos about 1-2 weeks ago, but if you need, I can
> send detailed
> instructions if you email me privately.  I'm just
> too tired right now.
> Sincerely yours, Grizzlygiant

Here's what worked for me when I couldn't rotate the
ring with my fingers: I took two pencils with good
erasers and pushed very firmly against the ring while
appplying a CC rotation. It took several tries as the
erasers tended to skid.  But then, Eureka!

Jack C

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