Do you have Virtual Ram on? And have you checked for extention conflicts? Grab the whole damn thing (I.E) and trash it. Re-boot and use the install CD-Rom to put 4.5 back on the computer and see if that runs any better Or try version 6.2 of Netscape (version 7 is a bit wonky) The ram will help but I doubt that's the problem its just contributing too! Brandy PETER777 at wrote: >Does any lister know whether there is a conflict between Os 8.6 and I.E >5.1.6? I can't launch I.E under O.S 8.6. The launch process is never >completed. The computer freezes, making a strange buzzing sound. I did >not have problems when I ran the powerbook under OS 8.1. Sometimes >netscape 4.79 also freezes, with the a fore mentioned buzzing sound, on >some web sites. I have 48 megs. Could this be the problem? (Anyway I >just ordered 128 megs). >TIA for your help. I'm going crazy. >Peter. > > > >