I'll ask my brother-in law to see if he still has any of the old junk I gave him. If he does then we will try to set it up again and get some pictures. I am not sure if he's sold off all the old cables and switches yet but I think he still has the 6220cd but not a 6100. The oldest computers I have here are G4 1.0 ghz, my Ti or the XP 2.6. Gwad I heven't even seen my 2400 since I bought the Ti....I have a G5 pre-ordered then the G4 leaves. (Randall already got dibs on the G4). Or I'll contact the Brazil office they may still have some of the old suff shipped down there last year. What type of set up.. since the talk ws about ADB I will just see whatever we can get to work if we have the cables, adapters and hubs grizzlygiant1 at stic.net wrote: Etc. I'd be interested in seeing some pictures of the setup and SSs of something like a 6100 running with USB. :) Scott Holder