HELP...I'm going nutz trying to fix this 2400!!! Message #2

Paul Miller pauljosephmiller at
Sun Nov 9 01:12:12 PST 2003

Hi again,

Please see my first frantic post for a description of
the problem.  For some reason the computer booted all
the way through after I finished writing the first
note.  I clicked on "about this computer" and it
states the built-in memory is 16mb of which the os
takes 15.7mb (with the extension off at boot).  The
virtual memory if off.  I therefore couldn't open the
control panel to turn on virtual memory.  And the
computer forced a restart.  

So why doesn't this CPU recognize and additional
memory besides the onboard 16mb unless there was a
physical problem.

Any ideas guys and gals?


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