--- "Ernesto A. Forcadilla" <forca at look.ca> wrote: > At 11:37 PM -0700 10/13/03, Gregg Eshelman wrote: > >The Duos don't have a "video card". Any Duo that > >was available in both mono and color, the same main > >board supports both types of screen. The Duo 2300 > >main board supports ALL previous Duo screens plus > >the one that came with a factory built 2300. > > Hi Gregg, > > I've got PB280 with gray scale screen. I won an LCD > screen without > the frame for PB280c at ebay and i tried to swap the > screen of 280c > with 280 using the same frame. Unfortunately, the > screen of 280c is > different in size and won't fit in the frame of 280. > Missing also in > the 280c screen is what i thought as a "color video > card" located > vertically at the left side of the screen. This same > mono "card" is > placed horizontally below in the 280 screen. I guess > this "card" > makes the difference between a colored PB280c and a > mono PB280, both > having the same main board. Ah, yes. The whole top or lid is different. The color screen is thicker so the plastics must be thicker. Therefore the Duo Dock one needs the top case swapped from a later version to be used with color Duos. The other part you need is the interface cable that connects between the mainboard and the LCD panel. ===== "When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all." __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search http://shopping.yahoo.com