> I have a 280 that, when I was "assembling" it, I had to use a 230 > "heatsink frame" (the silver one? I can't think of another word to > describe it) Will this damage the logicboard and/or cpu? I heard of > people's stories about 2300s that almost went bad because of the > wrong "heatsink frame". > -- > Andrew > a.k.a.- The MacFreak I'm considering the same type of upgrade. To quote the service manual, pp. 59-60: << Replacement Caution: If you replace a CPU stiffener on a PowerBook Duo 210, 230, 250, or 270c, make sure you install a small foam heatsink under the tabbed area of the stiffener. Turn the stiffener upside down, align the edges of the heatsink with the lower right corner of the tab, and press the heatsink on. If you replace a CPU stiffener on a PowerBook Duo 280 or 280c, make sure you install a large foam heatsink under the tabbed area of the stiffener. Turn the stiffener upside down and install the heatsink on the entire tab. Failure to install the correct heatsink could cause a short circuit and blow out the logic board. >> It shows an illustration of a larger heatsink than on the '030 cpus. I suppose you could get a sheet of the material that they used & cut out a piece that would fit over the '040 or PPC. Anybody know what material that might be? -- Over, Jutso http://pages.ripco.net/~jutso/