Hi! The story so far: Acquired a nice 2300 with 56Mb/1Gb. Duo Dock II (too bulky to keep) but no PSU. Charged the battery in the Dock, and pleased with result - 1hr+ charge. Saw several PSUs for Duos on eBay.co.uk, but none suitable for the 2300 according to the famous http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=16168 Realised that the voltage spec and plug size of my PB1400 PSU matched that for the Duo 2300. Seems to work fine. But really want the Duo to have its own PSU. So, the question is: is there a list anywhere of PB PSUs that will work with the Duo 2300, given Apple's delight in changing plug sizes at random intervals? (I've already seen the 'discussions' on this list about 190/5300 PSUs in April from the Archive!) TIA, Stuart