I have a couple Madsonline power supplies in perfect condition I am offering up here before they hit ebay. These are the g-3 (not USB ibook) models. I used them for a Pismo, and my 2400. Madsonline makes an adapter( $20.00) that will let you let you convert it to the newer g4 style plugs. Great if you have g3 and g4 machines. It will work on even with the newest 65 watt computers (with adapter) but it just is very slow to charge. Check Madsonline's web site to see if it will work with your computer. You can read about them here: http://www.madsonline.com/index.html?acadapter2.html~mainFrame For those not familiar with them, they are the best 3rd party power supply in my opinion. The smallest one on the market. The units are less than 2 years old. Thanks!! Jerry wolfman(AT)jerrywolford.com (AT) = (@)