[Duo2400] Ready to attempt pb 2400 SMT fuse replacement....

Art Rice artrice66 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 18 18:44:13 PST 2004

Hi Sid,
I have worked some with surface mount components. I
have some suggestions that may help. I'm open to
criticism from other readers if they have more
specific experience with these flea fuses!

You probably don't need the tweezers when removing the
fuse. Try this first: Just heat up both sides of the
fuse and pull the irons away after the solder melts.
The fuse will most likely stick to the end of one of
the irons. Then just wipe the iron on a slightly wet
sponge to get rid of the fuse and the old solder. Wipe
off the other iron tip as well.
Then put a small amount of fresh solder on one iron
tip, touch one pad where the fuse used to be, and put
some solder wick (braided copper) there to absorb the
old solder. Do the same on the other pad where the
fuse connects. Now both pads should be clean. Wipe
your solder iron tip off again on the sponge. Add a
small amount of solder to it, and touch it to one of
the pads. If you are right handed, put it on the pad
to the right of the fuse. Now pick up the fuse with
the tweezer with your left hand, line it up so one
side is next to the pad that has solder on it. With
your right hand holding the solder iron, heat up the
solder so it sticks to the fuse. Now clean up the
iron, put a small amount of solder on it, and heat up
the other pad and fuse. You may have to add a small
amount of solder to the connection while heating it,
but don't leave the iron on longer than necessary (1-2
seconds?). I'm not sure how much heat those tiny fuses
can take. If needed, you can touch up the first side
you soldered to make sure it has a good connection.
Check your work with an ohm-meter, it should read
close to zero ohms if the fuse and connection are

Art in Silicon Valley
--- Sid Barras <sbarris at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Hi all,
> With much anticipation, which has now evolved into
> trepidation...
 I already
> had a parts holder, so I will use it to hold one of
> the soldering irons,
> leaving one hand for the second soldering iron and
> the other for the
> tweezers which will hold the fuse. > 
> Sid B

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