ethernet questions + CF card

CJPV c_j_p_v at
Sat Jan 31 08:24:46 PST 2004

After doing a quick Google for your ethernet card, it appears that 3COM has no Mac drivers at all,
and no other drivers are available...

Yes, technically you can store about 8X floppies on an 8MB CF card.... you can store the disk
tools apps + a CDROM driver on it. Maybe some other apps like SCSI Probe, TechTool, etc.  If you
can, purchase a larger CF card, format it, and use it as your Virtual Memory ~_^

For backup/emergency purposes, you could also buy a PCMCIA hard drive (the 2GB is great, the 5GB
even better), buy an external HD case that has a PCMCIA card adapter, or buy the larger CF
cards(500MB - 1GB).

To use any of the above as emergency disks, you'd have to do a minimal install of your OS flavor,
then hand pick the apps to go into the drive.

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