This evening, coming down with a cold and more tired than usual from leaving the office, i dropped my beloved 2400. It was in a not-as-padded-as-it-could be computer briefcase, and hit the hard floor hard.... I immediately took it out of the case, powered it up, and it was fine. It was fine when I powered it up at home. And then..... it went quiet and dark. What should I do next? How serious is this? Can this be fixed? Will it/ can it be as good as new again or should I now expect assorted problems? As for a functioning computer, I do indeed already have an ibook. But I prefer my 2400 for travelling, and want to undo the damage, if possible..... I'm on the east coast, and do have a good Mac repair man (ironically, he looked at my 2400 this morning, long BEFORE i dropped it and proclaimed it in excellent health!). Should I bring it in to him, or should I ship it out to the 2400 specialty surgeons at MCE in case I did extensive damage??? Any advice/ enlightenment/ support greatly appreciated.... Joyce