Hola; long time Duo user (since '93) - Recent 2400c owner.. Right now I am restricted to using my newly acquired 2400c/180 at home, because it will not recognize the battery; trouble is, I do not know if this is because the battery is bad or the contacts are bad... The battery meter in the control stip constantly shows that there is no battery installed (the indicator near the date/time in the status bar as well). However, when I remove and reinsert the battery, it registers as an drained battery FOR A SECOND, but then it reverts to being not seen. Also, when I try to run the battery recondition program, it tell me that there is not battery installed. Would appreciate any help; also, ala the Duos, is there some sort of way to align-realign the battery contacts? Thanks, Long Live the Mini-Powerbooks(!), Craig W.