As one of those ISP users still on the hard wired modem connection, may I spill my guts? Wouldn't it be great if there was a site where we could go to figure out how to make the best out of our old network connection situation? perhaps this line is a start. My opinion, in order of importance: #1 Hardwire connections! I told my phone service that there was a lot of noise on my line (Don't even mention anything other than a voice connection!!!!!). They sent a guy that did a trace all the way from a distant connect down to my house entry. He said that there were several old/corroded connections along the line that needed fixing. When I also mentioned that I had a problem with my modem, he made several suggestions. "Make sure your in house connections are as simple/direct as possible." Don't use splitters, multiple conects, etc. ....anything that will possibly impede the smooth flow of those low power electrons to his newly "greased" line are a possible impediment. Descriptive if not scientific. I saw a dramatic improvement after this! #2 Find an ISP that has a nearby, recent access # and is relatively underused. I saw a dramatic improvement after this! #3 allocate the max. memory (use RamDoubler, not Virtual Memory) and cache space that you can afford. #4 Every ISP tech. that I've asked has said that putting in a higher speed setting than indicated for your hardware may help and won't hurt if it is only slightly more. ???comments? #5 use the latest Mac connection software that will work on your hardware even if it doesn't "match" your installed System. ??comments?? #6 use the Browser that seems to work best for you. OSX System seems to be faster on Safari (some of the less polished Browsers may be faster). OS8.6 seems best on Explorer. Older Systems seem to work better on Navigator but the less polished Browsers may get into this niche. #7 use the appropriate software that was designed for your modem. #8 regardless of your browser, fine tune it for yourself in the options/preferences for Java, etc. (there are alot of 3rd party add-ons that claim a lot of speedup for Popups, etc. ??comments??0 Don __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Search - Find what youre looking for faster