[DuoList] New Vintage Computers 96MB RAM chips for sale(?)

Morris Rieger hugeu2fan at gmail.com
Tue Nov 9 08:11:15 PST 2004

Hey all,

I was perusing the archives of this list and reached a thread about
Vintage vs. Adtec 96mb chips.  I decided to google for more info on
the two, and found that Vintage Computers LLC in Japan is still
selling the 96MB chip new for ~$65+ shipping.  And on their website,
they actually denote it as being for the Powerbook 2400c.  However, I
can't read Japanese and Babelfish doesn't do the greatest job, so I
can't determine whether they ship to the United States.  II suspect
they do, because on the order page, it blatantly has the price listed
in Yen and Dollars (determined through Babelfish, but you can see it
in the Japanese still)!  I'll try e-mailing them, hopefully they speak
English ;)

Here is the site if anyone wishes to give it a shot:


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