Hi Guys, I'm using a Powerbook 2400c and Mac OS 9.1. A PC user friend who recently upgraded to DSL gave me his external serial modem, a D-Link DFM-560EL. The modem does not officially support the Mac but since I have a 9-pin PC serial to Mac serial adapter cable from the Palm MacPac kit that I got for my old Palm III many years back, I thought maybe I can still get this to work on my 2400c. When it didn't, I decided to look for a D-Link modem script and was able to find one at Ross Barkman's Home Page. But even after installing the script, I still couldn't run the D-Link modem with my Mac. I continue to get error messages like " There was no carrier signal" or "The modem is not responding properly" when I tried to dial-up using the control Remote Access. What seems to be the problem and how do I get around to it? Am I using the right serial adapter cable? The right modem script? Is there a generic modem script that would work with most unsupported external modems? I really could use anybody's help right now. Edwin ===== "I'm The Man." Bill in Kill Bill Vol. 2 ___________________________________________________________ Moving house? Beach bar in Thailand? New Wardrobe? Win £10k with Yahoo! Mail to make your dream a reality. Get Yahoo! Mail www.yahoo.co.uk/10k