In a message dated 11/29/2004 3:59:22 AM Eastern Standard Time, edwinsallan at writes: > The modem > does not officially support the Mac but since I have a > 9-pin PC serial to Mac serial adapter cable from the > Palm MacPac kit that I got for my old Palm III many > years back, I thought maybe I can still get this to > work on my 2400c. Hmmm...think that is a dte to dte may need a "null modem" adapter on the 9 pin side to turn it into a dte/dce cable. Best bet is a true "modem cable." Used to build them myself, a google search should give several hits on the pin connections. As for the modem itself, any external (and many PC card modems) are true "intelligent" modems. The internals (as they reside on the data bus) can use the microprocessor to do a lot of the data conversion, etc. Thus the earlier 'em "dumb" vs "smart" modems. Any ext. modem has to have its own microP, as the serial link is not fast enough (std. serial port, not USB2) to support such data handling. And dat's enough fer today! Oooh....speaking of DATs...anyone need an external DAT drive? I have two w/plenty of tapes....6 gigs or so per tape w/o data compression, IIRC. Cheep.. Andrew