Hi! I am thinking of acquiring a small subnotebook, I was thinking of the PB 2400 but I am also interested in the Duo, since the things I would use it for, are word process, spreadsheet calc, e-mail, addresses, etc. And a Duo would be a lot cheaper I guess, and as a student I am relatively tight on budget... I have an eMac with Mac OS X.2. My question is, is there any way to sync the Duo and the eMac with Mac OS X, or any way to transfer data (for example a text from word process.) to and from it? The other question is, I also have a Newton, and as far as I know, it would sync with the Claris Organiser. Also with Claris Works? And what kind of connection device (cable) I would have to use to connect the Duo and a Newton? Thanks, I know this is a lot of questions, sorry! Balazs