On Oct 13, 2004, at 2:52 PM, Alex Santos 100MB Neostrada Mail wrote: > Hi Fabian I looked around but I was unable to find a suitable source > of information. Any additional help would be most welcome. I am > usually pretty good at getting google to give me satisfactory results > but I am stumped on this one. Please help. >> >> Resources such as Apple Support website and <http://www.everymac.com> >> provide detailed technical specifications for all Apple Displays and >> DuoDocks. You can easily match up video cable and ports. Alex: In your original post from yesterday, you asked about connection between a DuoDock and an AppleVision 750AV monitor. In this case, there is probably no need for general "googling." If you had looked through <http://www.everymac.com>, as I suggested, you would have found that the DuoDock has a DB-15 port, and the AppleVision 750AV monitor comes with a DB-15 cable. For direct connection you already have a match, with no need for any of the fancy adapter, as listed in the old Apple Tech Info Library document, which you quoted indirectly from the University of Melbourne website. The Apple AV-series monitors do have unique audio-visual capabilities, that require special adapters. Over the years I worked with a Quadra 660AV, a Quadra 840AV, and a Power Macintosh 7600, connected to several AV monitors. But I do not believe that either your Duo or the Dock can take advantage of the AV features. Sometimes we may make too much of a simple situation. Fabian