[DuoList] Green Light of Death

Brandy brandybndr at netscape.net
Sun Apr 3 22:47:11 PDT 2005

Has it been upgraded to a G3?  And what the RPM of the drive 4500, 5400, 
or 7200...?  Heat issues maybe? More info on what's been done to it So 
Mad Dog can tell you whats wrong!!!!!


zach at zachlowry.net wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello everyone!
> Some time ago I install a larger 20gb HD in my 2400c, and somehow caused
> it to GLOD. Which is sad, because I don't know that I really did
> anything wrong, I guess this 2400 is just pretty picky. Anyhow, I
> haven't fixed it yet, supposedly the fix is a surface mount fuse on the
> motherboard? I'm not that handy with a soldering iron, is there any
> place that I can have it fixed for me? I'd like to have the 2400 going
> again, it sure was a fun machine.
> - --
> Zach Lowry
> MTSU, Murfreesboro, TN
> zach at zachlowry.net

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