[DuoList] PB2400c now booting with 1GB CF Card! But hard drive still spins-up when opening apps?

VICTORIA.DUGGAN victoria.duggan at ntlworld.com
Tue Dec 6 21:44:54 PST 2005

Hi Gary
so that the hdd does not spin up you will need to load any apps that  
you want to use on the flash card  (thats what i did) also reroute  
the vm to the card in the memory control panel.

once all that is done it should be fine . as for the formatting of  
the disk prior to loading the system i also did mine as OS extended.

On Dec 7, 2005, at 1:43 AM, Gary F. Daught wrote:

> Greetings. Got my 1GB CompactFlash card and adapter. After a false  
> start, I remembered not to copy the system folder from the current  
> startup disk, so I booted from the OS 8.5 CD in the external drive,  
> and then copied the System Folder and Apps from the hard drive.  
> Only other set-up glitch was that the wireless card wouldn't work  
> until I moved it to the lower slot (and moved the CF card to the  
> upper slot). CF card is set as Startup disk and System Folder shows  
> the happy Mac face (so appears to be properly "blessed").
> Everything appears to working with the CF card as the boot drive  
> EXCEPT for the fact that whenever I open folders with the "triangle  
> opener", launch applications or click on links in my web browser  
> the hard drive spins-up! I suspect this is NOT supposed to be  
> happening as it defeats the whole purpose of silently running and  
> battery saving from the CF card. What am I missing?
> Also, I noticed that when I had the hard drive set as the Startup  
> disk and the CF card was inserted as a second disk there wasn't a  
> clear way for me to Eject the CF card since Cmd-E wouldn't work and  
> Eject was grayed-out in the Special Menu. I had to use a paper clip  
> to manually eject the disk during a restart since I couldn't  
> unmount the drive while in use. Is there a problem here?  
> (Incidentally, I initially initialized the CF card with OS Extended  
> format from Erase Disk... Is this OK?)
> Thanks for your assistance!

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