Hi, I recently got an external keyboard for my cardbus-enabled 2400 (OS 8.6; using a Macally USB adapter) It's a "Happy Hacking Lite 2" keyboard, which I had chosen because I needed it to fit into a small space; this keyboard doesn't have a number pad and is very compact. The keyboard works perfectly in the regular US keyboard layout, but when I choose Dvorak in the keyboard layout control panel, the keyboard doesn't type in dvorak. The Keycaps Desk Accessory shows that the layout is dvorak and the 2400's own keyboard types in dvorak, but the external keyboard continues to type in the US layout. I tried adding some alternative dvorak layouts to the system, just to see if any of them might happen to work -- but none of them will budge this keyboard from the US layout.) I tried connecting the Happy Hacking keyboard to my imac (also OS 8.6), and with the imac the keyboard _does_ type in the dvorak layout. What might be the reason why it won't type in dvorak when hooked to my 2400 via USB adapter? Any idea how it might be made to work? Thanks in advance for any thoughts. Susanna