[DuoList] Compatibility of 280 accessories

Goodwin, Greg P. GoodwinG at aafes.com
Mon Jun 6 09:12:00 PDT 2005

At 4:51 PM -0400 6/4/05, Ruffin Bailey wrote:
>I 'lucked' into a broken, but well-equipped (mini-dock, modem, 
>floppy, etc), Duo 280 a while ago and was considering putting the 
>accessories back to work by picking up a repaired Duo from a local 
>shop.  They've got a whole slew -- 230, 250, 280, 280c, 2300c.

I've got (I think) a 230, a 280, several 280cs and a 2300c.  All of 
them work with my docks, Ethernet Mini Dock and SCSI Mini DOCK.
Clark Martin

	The Ethernet mini dock sounds interesting.  And the SCSI mini
dock... a thing like the floppy dock only SCSI?

	Ruffin, I have played with every version of the Duo except the
250 I believe, and I have to say they are all fun.  Currently have a
2300 with 230 screen (just to make it thinner and use less power).   I
have to say they all would work fine.  Given a choice, at least a 280 in
the 68K world.  The 2300 as a PowerPC has not only speed, but IDE
drives, and you can throw a LARGE drive there.  :D
      As far as docks go, my advice is get a Duo Dock.  Avoid Duo Dock
II's however... I have had two die on me already.

	Have fun!
	Doc Clu - Dallas, TX - USA

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