[DuoList] farallon ethernet card drivers?

Gene Osburn mac4gman at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 18:39:05 PST 2005

> Greetings list. I'm a powerbook noob with a 280c and duodock (not 2).  
> It  includes a farallon nubus ethernet card which copious googling  
> suggests should work but I can't figure the darn thing out.
>  Does it require extra drivers or some special configuration?

I'm not sure if there are special Farallon drivers, but I do remember that  
System 7.5.x through OS 8.x have an assortment of Ethernet extensions.   
One of them is marked NB (for NuBus) and you should check if it's  
currently installed in your System Folder.  If not, do a Custom Install or  
just use TomeViewer to pluck it out of the System Software tome in the  
installer folder of your OS CD....

Gene Osburn
Friends don't let friends do Windows

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