[DuoList] Duo 2300c Overclocking

Tom and Lisa Peters gionpeters at comcast.net
Thu Feb 23 04:07:34 PST 2006

>Has anyone ever overclocked a 2300c successfully?
>I've read of people overclocking the 68k Duos, but never the PowerPC 2300c.
>Dan Palka
>turbodan95 at gmail.com

I have overclocked the bus on a 2300 by swapping out the 33.333 MHz 
oscillator chip for a 36 MHz one.  This in turn overclocked the CPU 
to 108 MHz.  Easy as pie.

As as I know, no on has figured out how to change the bus-to-CPU 
ratio.  I have been unable to find where this is set - I cant find 
the bank of resistors that typically control this.

Mad Dog

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