Sooner or later I'll remember to enter a Subject BEFORE clicking Send.... OK, making progress taking apart my 2400c Comet for case painting mod. Lower case open with palmrest, keyboard, etc. removed (all screws carefully numbered and taped together in order of removal). Display is still connected, but only via ribbon cable. First question: what's the safest way to disconnect LCD ribbon cable? Do I need to remove the subassembly structure that runs across the lower case below the display? Looks like this would allow me to safely disconnect the ribbon cable from the mobo; am I right? Will I then be able to remove the lower case's rear panel, thereby having the casing's bottom panel separated from everything else (for masking and painting)? Any and all help from those with experience and knowledge of the Comet's innards would be most welcome! Gene, a.k.a. G-Man Some days it isn't even worth chewing through the leather straps.