[DuoList] (no subject)

BOB No grizzlygiant1 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Oct 10 21:32:59 PDT 2007

On Oct 9, 2007, at 5:24 PM, Rich Bussone wrote:

> I tried both options, but I can't seem to transfer the files to the  
> power mac. I have system 8.0 and the download for Apple share  
> client 3.8 allows downloading all at once or in parts.  I am  
> downloading them on my iMac.  If I burn a CD the power mac can't  
> read it.  If I download the floppys they are 1.4mb. They fit on the  
> floppys if they are in dos format, but they won't open on the power  
> mac.  if I convert them to Mac OS Standard there is only 1.2mb  
> available and the information won't fit.  What am I missing here?
> Rich
> On Sat, 22 Sep 2007  Jeff Mendoza" <jefflmendoza at gmail.com>
> wrote
> You could always download the System 7.5.3 disks. Read more here:
> http://www.lowendmac.com/macos.shtml
> On 9/22/07, Clark Martin <cmmac at sonic.net> wrote:
>> At 1:32 PM -0400 9/22/07, Rich Bussone wrote:
>>> The only o/s install disks I have are in CD's.  I only have a floppy
>>> drive on the duo dock.  I do have a Power pc 6100/60 AV that I am
>>> also planning to donate with an external SCSI drive, but I don't
>>> have a notebook SCSI cable. I do have a duo dock and ethernet, but
>>> neither the Power PC or the duo will connect. I don't recall the
>>> exact error message but it said that somehow that the system was not
>>> compatible with the ethernet. I think they are running on system 8
>>> and the newer computers are on system 10.4.  Is there some way I can
>>> make them compatable?
>> It's likely you need to updated the AFP driver:
>> <http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=58523>
>> It's for OS 8.1 and up but has notes about other versions.
>> --
>> Clark Martin
>> Redwood City, CA, USA
>> Macintosh / Internet Consulting
>> "I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway"
> _______________________________________________


Did we quit top down posting here?  I would like to help but the  
state of this post makes the problem very confusing and greatly  
lacking in necessary detail for anyone just starting.  Yes, I know, I  
may have missed previous posts.

If you (Rich) would restate the problem in detail, assuming you  
haven't solved it already, you will do two things:

1.)  Either figure out the solution yourself in the process, or

2.)  Give Clark or me or someone else the ability to solve the problem.

What are the exact machine descriptions?  What are the operating  
systems involved?  Please enumerate the number of transfer types  
available to you, hard drive bus, ethernet, serial cable, CD, floppy  
(the solution to the floppy problem would be to get either a hex  
editor or a floppy size file splitter.  Stuffit should be able to do  
this, along with other file compressors.  Apples' Disk Copy can also  
do this.  Split the files to what you need and transfer and  
reassemble if you have an operating system that will handle the same  
file splitter on the Duo), etc.

Sincerely yours, Grizzled Giant

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