[DuoList] FS: 2400 64MB Memory

Tom Ethen cacanne at chibardun.net
Mon Feb 11 08:26:43 PST 2008


Let me think on that if they are that inexpensive new since I don't need any
more dead parts laying around here. I guess there is no way to check it
without taking the 2400 apart and that is quite a task just to find out that
it is not good.


On 2/11/08 12:12 AM, "Hal" <kastegir at mac.com> wrote:

> Hi, and thanks for your note. Are you reasonably confident that it
> works? I ask because I found one at an online store brand new for $20
> plus shipping.
> Let me know.
> Thanks,
> -Hal
> Hal Widlansky
> Salt Lake City, UT 84108

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