Capture iPhoto from FireWire DV camera???

Joe Uselding juselding at
Thu Aug 21 06:19:21 PDT 2003

I assume that you have a Memory Stick or some other way to take pictures
with your DV Camera.  On the Sony One, you simply take the tape out and turn
the camera on leaving the memory stick in the camera.  How sure what Model
you have but it might be similar.


On 8/21/03 7:15 AM, "Macintosh FireWire List"
<FireWire at> wrote:

>       Macintosh FireWire List Digest #585
> 1) Capture iPhoto from FireWire DV camera???
> MacFireWireTalk list, a listserv for discussion of FireWire on Macintosh.
> FAQ at <>.
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> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message-Id: <a06001807bb699381400f@[]>
> Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 17:11:20 -0400
> From: Chuck Britton <britton at>
> Subject: [1394] Capture iPhoto from FireWire DV camera???
> Can it be done? If so, how?
> iBook, OS-X, twin usb + Canon ZR DVcamcorder.
> thanx iA

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