[1394] Using La Cie external hard drive with DV cam and iMovie

Terry Harrison 1maniac at cox.net
Thu Sep 11 15:42:15 PDT 2003

I've gone from DV camera fw to ext. hdrive, then from hdrive to 
(Notice the firewire is carrying the data all the way to the computer, 
then back to the drive)  Bi-directional !!!!!  :o)
I used Final Cut Pro to do the capturing, and all worked fine (G4 400 

I built the ext fw. drive from seperate enclosure and drive.

Perhaps you could try this configuration...
All I can say is that this worked for me (to my delight) !  :o)


On Thursday, September 11, 2003, at 06:08 PM, Jon Lucas wrote:

> I recently installed a 120GB La Cie firewire drive and tried using it 
> with
> a Canon DV cam running on the 2nd firewire port of my iMac via iMovie. 
> The
> captured video on the La Cie drive was choppy. Capture from the cam to
> iMac's internal hard drive was fine. Seems to be a function of the La 
> Cie
> drive. Anyone know what's going on?
> Thanks,
> Jon
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