[FW] An Issue for consideration

Eugene Gierson eugenegierson at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 13 16:50:04 PST 2004

If it is an Oxford 911 chip does it need to be flashed?
What - if it is an Oxford chip, but not a 911 Oxford?

Johns Mailbox wrote:
> Any quick way to ID it? I know it is an Oxford Chip, but do not see 
> anything on the manual pertaining to it.
> Can it be flashed from a PC? And where can I obtain a firmware flash?

>> On Dec 13, 2004, jchasick wrote:
>> ...what type of chip is used on the bridgeboard?
>> Oxford 911, Initio 1430 (1394a)
>> if it is an Initio 1430, you will need to reflash the firmware to 
>> update for a problem with 10.3.6, but you need to perform the update 
>> on a non-10.3.6 machine

>> On Dec 13, 2004, Johns Mailbox wrote:
>>> I have just recently begun to have some problems with my firewire 
>>> drive system I have one of the dual drive housing systems, and most 
>>> of the time, it runs great.
>>> Lately though, every so often, I get a notice, that the item has been 
>>> removed without following the normal procedure, and then the drives 
>>> disappear.
>>> This has happened more often. Once it happened recently, the drive 
>>> would show up in Disk Utilities, but not mount.
>>> Finally, I repartitioned it, and it now sows up again.
>>> Ideas? Similar experiences?
>>  G4 1.25, 2 GB Ram, X.3.6
>>  Firewire 400 with a 200 gig and 80 gig drive in a dual housing.
>>> Thanks,       John
>>> __

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