[G4] FTP

Video International videoint at jb3.so-net.ne.jp
Tue Dec 3 16:20:21 PST 2002

>I only seem to be able to give FTP access to the user files on my OS X
>HD.  I have other files I'd like to share on a different HD.  How do I
>give other user accounts FTP access to specific files on other HD's?

What I did was select the mounted volume and used "get info" to access
"priviledges", where you can select what account holders can do with the

I tested it by checking my own FTP server using a web browser (ftp://IP
number/) and the volume was indeed on the server.

A problem I'm having tho is that other account holders get a "socket error"
when attempting to log in. I tried to log in myself using a another
computer on the network, but wasn't able to. It seems I can only log in on
the hosting computer itself. Checked and dbl checked all accounts and
passwords. Any ideas?


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