update: well, I was successful (finally) in getting through to the Audio Hijack website of Rogue Amoeba and found this posting on their support page: > 12/19/02 - Fear not 10.2.3 users, we are testing a fix for > Audio Hijack and OS X 10.2.3, and expect to have it > avaliable shortly. so, all is not lost. I am considering re-installing 10.2.2 for the time being as I also seem to have lost the audio portion of Windows Media Player... (I use WMP the same way I use MSOffice, ie: I only use any Microsoft product when there just ain't no other way baby, and even then it hurts me, I admit ;) ). If I go this route I will try to post my success or failure but I'm not really sure if the new CoreAudio component (0x2008000) is responsible for the WMP dropout. if anyone else is more up to date on all of this than me please email me offlist if you get a sec. thanks db yodeling at the moon in Austria