Howdy, I presently have an original ATI Radeon in a G4/533DP and I was thinking of upgrading in the hopes of gaining a few frames per second on some of my favourite games. The problem is that Mac upgrades seem few and expensive! The prices I've seen on Radeon 8500 Mac Editions with 64MB of memory are often close to or more than twice as much as PC versions with 128MB it seems. What I'm wondering is: Are there any workarounds to this? Can PC cards be "flashed" to work in a Mac? Aren't they all the same, hardware-wise? One would think the right drivers could solve everything, but I have my doubts as Mac Edition 8500's seem to be recommended an awful lot and this worries me. What I want is a fast 128MB card that comes in at substantially under $180.00. That can't possibly be too much to ask, there's not much to them and the R&D costs are likely paid for by sales to the PC market long before the boxes saying "Mac Edition" are ever laid out. Any readers from ATI or Invdia are eagerly invited to explain their companies' price gouging. Thanks, Alex