In a message dated 8/18/03 8:52:48, shawn at writes: << Actually, Apple has hired one of the most effective and well respected PR firms (Edelman Worldwide) and Advertising Agenices (Chiat/Day) in the world. >> That company may be "one of the most effective and well respected" advertising companies in the world, but their product stinks to high heaven. An effective advertisement campaign certainly does not alienate the established user base with "dumbed-down" visuals and/or irrelevant dialogue. You don't expect anybody to actually buy a G5 because it can blow a user through three walls of his house and not cause any visible injury, do you? Or, that his wife would be standing there with her mouth open in surprise and not screaming her head off in terror? My dogs would have been long gone, running for their lives, if an explosion occurred in the house. Then, to top everything off, there's not even a cloud of dust near the G5 and the monitor is still standing upright. Come on, now! Let's be a bit more realistic and intelligent in our acceptance of advertising products. But.... that just may be a bit too much to expect from the average American public. I know that Hollywood is Hollywood, but please don't insult me by putting me in with the mass of ignorance that we call the public. Here in California, we were supposed to start testing our high school students for proficiency before graduating them and giving them their diplomas. That testing program just got put on the back burner, postponed for another year at least, because at least 20% of this year's graduating students have already failed the priliminary testing and the schools do not believe that they can learn the required material quickly enough to pass the proficiency test by next June. 'Nuff said?