[G4] G4 -External CD-RW's

Lester E. Thomson geneshaper at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 30 11:15:17 PDT 2003

I currently have a Sony Spressa 100 E/X USB external CD-RW. Now it is giving
me the following message every time I attempt to burn a disc.

SENSE KEY = Medium Error
SENSE CODE = 0x73, 0x03

Your drive is a repackaged SCSI burner. (SCSI to USB) ther error that you get
is a power calibration error. Use external power supplu. If you are already
doing this then the drive needs repair. This is a circuit board level repair
and the parts are hard to get, plus you have to be handy with a desolder gun
and a soldering iron.

Thinking it may be the media type, I have tried 3 brands of CD's, none will
Is my drive going bad? Is it something I can fix? Or do I need to 
replace it?

have you tried the really high end media from TDK, Memorex, Verbatim, Sony, or
Kodak? this may help.

If I have to replace it, does anyone have any suggestions as to which 
brands are
best or worst?

La Cie firewire drive. I have had one for two years with no problems at all,
either with Apple's burner or with Toast. Toast is excellent software once one
accepts its limitations. Email me off list to tellme about the problems you are
having. i work in OS X almost exclusively, have not used 9 in months.

I borrowed an IOMEGA CD-RW. Cant get it to work with TOAST. Pain in the 
software, does not allow you to do much customizing. Don't like it.

If you work in 9, (and Roxio has stopped development on the classic version of
Toast) you may want to get the latest upgrade for Toast in 9. Email me off list
and let me know what kind of customizing you wish to do, i may be able to help.

running OS 9.1 regularly. Have OSX on second Drive. (Not using 

Upgrade to 9.2.2 ASAP, it is more stable and has better support for hardware.

I hope this helps and do not hesitate to emaul me off list.

D Geneshaper


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