Hi, I am used to Cmd+Shift+3 for a whole-monitor shot and Cmd+Shift+4 for a manual-perimeter shot. I used to use Cmd+Shift+4 with capslock to make an application-window-only shot, but that seems to have gone away with Jaguar? Anyway, the capslock function doesn't seem to work anymore. However, I have never been able to capture the date in my whole-monitor shots, even if I toggle it with my cursor - it always takes a snap only of the time. I'd like to capture the date when I make snaps of online orders, online registrations, etc. for documentation purposes. Presently I can take a snapshot of the list view of the document and its date, but that's kind of clumsy (although it did work for my state Do-not-call program to prove that I had signed up on the date I said I had). Any way to get a screen shot with the date and time in your upper right hand Finder view on the taskbar? Many thanks in advance. Anne Keller Smith Down to Earth Web Design G4 733mHz (OS X.2/Classic) | Graphite iBook 333mHz (OS 9.0.2) mailto:earthpigz at earthlink.net http://www.downtoearthweb.com