OS X Color (blue) not displaying correctly

Timothy Pitts tpitts at mac.com
Fri Dec 12 11:06:51 PST 2003

I figure this may be something to do with my monitor. Here goes...

The blue color of the Finder shows up as teal on my Mac (Panther). It shows
up correctly in 10.1.

In 10.2 the problem started showing up in certain places such as the Finder
in the dock and in System Preferences (preferences like appearance, dock,
and desktop).

In 10.3 the problem is worse. Now if I take a screenshot, iTunes for
instance uses a lot of blue, the screenshot looks terrible. The problem is
no longer just blues and the resulting color isn't teal, it has more

The problem has propagated to certain pictures on the web, my iPhoto Library
(but only the new photos, NOT the old). What I find interesting is that only
certain icons do it. I have many blue icons in my dock (Safari, IE, Finder,
Toast, iChat, QuickTime, MS Word, iMovie, etc..) but the only one that
doesn't display correctly is the Finder icon.

Before someone writes this off as a monitor problem, I have OS X 10.1 still
installed on another partition of this computer. I don't have the problem
there at all.

Has anyone had a similar problem and/or a possible fix?


Timothy Pitts
tpitts at mac.com

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