Hi all - I thought we were immune to this sort of thing, but it would seem that some kind of attachments in email spam is putting gifs on my desktop named "Untitled 1" etc. And lo and behold on my dock is a new icon named "Generate_gif." Um, I decided to click on the icon and the url was http://www.register.com/generate_gif.cgi?msg=denverpost.com This is a Whois I did on the Denver Post to make sure the article someone referred me to was really written by Walter Cronkite. (He compared Ashcroft to Torquemada, so I really thought I should check it out! <silly grin> So maybe it's just an inadvertent alias? But the gifs are ads, silly ones at that. Not the kind of thing a newspaper would generate. Something from Register.com? (I have my domains through them.) Yes, I'll reboot and find out if the alias (if that's what it is) is still there and trash it and see if it comes back, check Get Info if I can, etc. Any other ideas? Oh, yes, the icon is the "spring with the @ symbol." Anne Keller Smith Down to Earth Web Design G4 733mHz (OS X.2/Classic) | Graphite iBook 333mHz (OS 9.0.2) mailto:earthpigz at earthlink.net http://www.downtoearthweb.com