Frank As CJ said there should be no problem running OS 9.2.2 on any G3 Mac. I have done it repeatedly with out OS X on the system. If you can I would recommend that you find a complete OS X.1 system package, you can find it on the net go to a friend house to get on line, use the system 9disk to boot your machine and backup all the data you need to. Then reformat the disk, install 9.X that comes with the package, if it is 9.2 then go to the net and download from the Apple software update site 9.2.1 & 9.2.2. The other problem that you have is not enough RAM, if 128 is all you have, you should have at least 256 Meg to run 9.2.2 and better yet is 1gig. Hope this helps. >I've just upgraded my system software from 9.0 to 9.2.1 and now serious >problems are occurring. > >1. Photoshop 5.0 gets as far as loading the ICC Engine and then it quits. >There are no warnings or any on screen explanations it just disappears. > >I have tried: > >Reloading Photoshop. > >Reloading system 9.0 and upgrading all over again. > >A clean install (I think four times now). > >None of this solves the problem. > >2. Netscape 4.6 only loads so far and then quits - the warning box says it >has quit due to a type 3 error. > >Interestingly when I am not hooked up to the internet it loads fine and I >proceed to my book marks easily. But it won't work when I hook up to the >'net and then start Netscape. > >I haven't a clue where to start. > >3. There may be additional software problems I have not yet become aware of. > > >The Mac I have is: > >B&W G3 >Virtual Memory 129MB >300MHz >Machine ID 406 > >No external devices are active when these problems occur. > >If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it. Photoshop is one of the >three main applications I use for the work I do. So it is very important >to solve this problem. > >Sincerely, > >Frank > >P.S. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me > -- Have a Happy and Enjoy Richard E. Meyeroff Meyeroff Computer Consultants 718-265-3781 FAX 718-266-6671 REM at Member Apple Consultants Network The Answer to your Computer Questions & Needs