[G4] Panther on a Yikes & more questions

Marc van Gemert listz at xs4all.nl
Tue Dec 30 23:34:05 PST 2003

Manzie Greg wrote:

> I run Photoshop and InDesign but occasionally run out of memory and 
> scratch disk space.
> I need more ram a router and a bigger hard drive. I would also like an 
> external CD & DVD set up.
> I will keep saving my pennies.
> I hope to buy a G5 and keep the G4 as a second unit.
> Most of my work is office work and photographic restoration for museums etc.
> Someone else does the heavy Photoshop work for me on a later model G4.
> If anyone would like to comment on efficiently maxing out this machine, 
> I also would appreciate the help.
> ie can I use 512 Mb PC133 RAM (some sites say yes Apple say 256 Mb max)?
> Is 1 Gb still the machine maximum RAM with Panther?

For HDs I recommend the WD and Maxtor ones with 8MB cache (WD calls them 
  the Special Edition series f.e. a 80GB WD HD with 8MB cache is 800JB 
instead of 800BB, Maxtor calls them the Diamond Max Plus 9 series (with 
liquid bearing)). It would be best running them on an ATA133 controller 
such as the Sonnet of Acard ATA133 cards. FYI those WD HDs run @ ATA100 
whie the Maxtor ones run @ ATA133, but there isn't much difference 
between those two speeds. You can also run them on the mobo, but then 
you won't run them at full speed, because the mobo is limited to ATA33 
(B&W G3 and G4 Yikes).

And no you cannot use 512MB DIMMs in a B&W G3 since the memory 
controller only 'sees' 256MB per DIMM slot thus maxing the B&W G3 out at 
1GB of RAM (4x512).

If you're going external I would recommend one in a FireWire case. FYI 
if you're planning on buying a DVD±R(W) in an external FireWire case 
than note that iDVD will not work.
I personally like the Lite-On CD and DVD-ROM drives. They even have a 
CDRW/DVD-ROM combo drive, IIRC it burns at 48x and reads DVD-ROMs at 
16x. I recently installed one in a eMac. And it's bootable so you could 
  install this one internally replacing your existing drive.

On the other hand, FireWire devices are not bootable on B&W G3 and since 
the Yikes uses the same mobo I do not think FW drives are bootable 
aswell on the Yikes.



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