If you want CIA-style security, destroy them by baking at 450F for an hour or so. If they burn, so much the better; if your house burns, don't yell at me :-0 But if you just want to prevent a drive from reading them, write a huge file onto them, forcing overwrite of everything. That's basically what Norton does, but they also write several times, changing the data (0000, 1111, 1010, 0101, etc) just to be sure; plus they get the old directory entries. And if you need to hide the old directory stuff, copy thousands of little files. You could build a folder on your desktop to copy to the MO's so you don't have to do all this over and over, then delete it when you're done (or leave it one one MO for future use). If you can use a windoze machine, that may be better, because you can just use a huge file - windoze doesn't figure out a file won't fit until the disk is full. Plus the Mac directory will be lost. Reformatting is NOT secure. Anthony Howells wrote: > I have a load of MO disks and an internal drive on my old 9600/9.1 I am > transferring the data over appletalk to my G4/Jaguar. I need a utilitiy > which will securely wipe the MO disks over the network once I have finished > with them. Any ideas (other than paying for Norton Systemworks upgrade!) > Thanks > Anthony.