[G4] g4 new vs old

Snoke Jay S NPRI SnokeJS at Npt.NUWC.Navy.Mil
Fri Feb 7 06:49:47 PST 2003

	   ESD precautions are always a good idea, but if you use a wrist strap, make absolutely sure the wrist strap is *GROUNDED* (or at EARTH depending on yoour flavor of English).  You can always have the power cord plugged in and the unit off - then make sure your wrist strap is connected to the chassis ground to be CERTAIN you are grounded.
	unless I'm doing lots more than replacing a hard drive or adding RAM or something like that, I usually don't use a strap.  There are always places on the chassis you can keep a finger on while you work.  I absolutely avoid doing things like this when the humidity is low, btw - more static buildup occurs then! (ie, in the winter when the humidity in your home etc drops to 50% or less...)


> ESD stands for Electrostatic Discharge == static buildup in your body. 
> Even if you don't feel a spark, you can damage electronic circuits with 
> static. Therefore, ESD precautions include touching a grounded surface 
> before handling electronic components, or using a wrist grounding strap.
> Mel
> On Thursday, February 6, 2003, at 07:45 PM, June Parlett wrote:
> > on 2/6/03 7:19 PM, Paul Shand at paulshand at froggy.com.au wrote:
> >
> >> ESD
> >> precautions.
> > what is this?

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