[G4] PMU switch.

Dale Hoffman dhoff at margnat.com
Fri Feb 7 17:44:06 PST 2003

>Could someone who know what the PNU switch really does inform me 
>about the reason why it is there and what properties and functions 
>it performs?

Some time ago I noticed that the CDROM and ZIP drives on my G4/450 
were not mounting media. I checked System Profiler and discovered 
that the ATA "0" bus was absent which explained why the devices 
attached to it were not operating. A call to AppleCare (800-275-2273) 
resulted in my resetting the PMU switch which restored the bus. 
That's my narrow - but practical - contribution to the understanding 
of the PMU switch not mentioned in the Knowledgebase Document 95037 
referred to by Ramsey 


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