And from the bottom of each message/digest(?), we have: > XRouter | Share your DSL or cable modem between > multiple computers! > Dr. Bott | Now $139.99 > <> Works great with my cable modem and two networked macs. On 1/7/03, "Phil A. Lefebvre" <p-lefebvre at> wrote: > > I have been told several times not to buy Linksys for Macs. While > their routers tend to work, their company policy is to simply ignore, > if not outright insult Mac users. Linksys is very proud of telling > people they do not and will not support Macs. > > There are plenty of excellent routers by pro-Mac companies like > Farallon (now Proxim I think), Asant (from whom I will buy my > wireless router), Belkin (update firmware to support AppleTalk at > user requests) and others. Better to support companies that support > Macs, to ensure more Mac support in the future.