The logic board died in my Yikes! Friday night so I went off to the Apple Store to buy another. First time I have ever bought a current shipping machine. While I love it, I know sticker shock will set in as soon as that first bill rolls in. <sigh> I was pretty shocked to see the 80G IBM Deskstar in there. I know so many have complained about them, I though Apple had stopped using them. Or has IBM actually changed them and made them better? So if nothing has changed, I am going under the assumption that it will fail. Assuming that, besides doing frequent backups, am I better off using the 80G as a storage device and booting machine from one of my older ATA-66 IDE 10G drives? Or do I just make one of the 10G drives bootable also and keep it up to date so if the 80g goes down I can still use the machine. Or any other combination..... I have the 80G, 2 IDE 10G's, an external USB 10G (are those bootable?) and an 18.2G internal SCSI that I haven't been able to install yet as I can't push the cage up after releasing it, it's stuck. There is hope I will find a cheap logic board for the Yikes! so I can set it back up as a development machine. Is it possible to get a replacement from the Apple Store when it dies or is it more complicated than that? Any advice from those that have been there would be great. I was really looking forward to 80G! :) Thanks, Diane